Documentation: Global Settings
Floating Cart Settings
Floating Cart Text Color
Input Field: Set the text color for the floating cart. Use color picker to choose the right color value (hex).
Example: #FFFFFF
Floating Cart Background Color
Input Field: Set the background color for the floating cart. Use color picker to choose the right color value (hex).
Example: #000000
Floating Cart Position
Dropdown: Select the position for the floating cart. Choose between bottom right or bottom left.
- Bottom Right: The floating cart will appear at the bottom right of the screen.
- Bottom Left: The floating cart will appear at the bottom left of the screen.
Example: Bottom Right
Label Settings
All Add To Cart Label
Input Field: Set the label for the “Add to Cart” button.
Example: Add to Cart
Floating View Cart Label
Input Field: Set the label for the floating “View Cart” button.
Example: View Cart
Item Label
Input Field: Set the label for a single item.
Example: Item
Item Label (Plural)
Input Field: Set the label for multiple items.
Example: Items
Message Settings
No Item Selected Message
Input Field: Set the message to be displayed when no items are selected.
Example: Please select at least one item to add to cart.
Minimum Quantity Message
Input Field: Set the message to be displayed when the minimum quantity requirement is not met.
Example: Please select at least one item.
Product Unavailable Message
Input Field: Set the message to be displayed when a product is unavailable.
Example: This product is currently unavailable.
Add to Cart Success Message
Input Field: Set the message to be displayed when an item is successfully added to the cart.
Example: Item added to cart successfully!
Add to Cart Failure Message
Input Field: Set the message to be displayed when an item fails to be added to the cart.
Example: Failed to add item to cart. Please try again.
No Product Info Message
Input Field: Set the message to be displayed when there is no product information available.
Example: No product information available.