Documentation: Column Settings

Column Width

Options: Set the width of the column using the selected unit (px or %). If the specified width does not work, you can use the force width option.

  • Unit: Select between pixels (px) or percentage (%).
  • Width Number: Specify the numeric value for the width.


  • Unit: px
  • Width Number: 150

Note: If the specified width does not apply correctly, use the “Column Width (Force)” option.

Column Width (Force)

Options: Force the width of the column by specifying a numeric value. This setting ensures that the column width is applied regardless of other constraints.

  • Force Width Number: Specify the numeric value to force the column width.

Example: 200

Hide in Desktop

Options: Choose whether to hide this column when the table is viewed on desktop devices.

  • Values: Yes or No
  • Default: No

Example: Yes

Hide in Tablet

Options: Choose whether to hide this column when the table is viewed on tablet devices.

  • Values: Yes or No
  • Default: No

Example: Yes

Hide in Mobile

Options: Choose whether to hide this column when the table is viewed on mobile devices.

  • Values: Yes or No
  • Default: No

Example: Yes

Column Custom Class

Input Field: Use this field to add a custom CSS class to the column. This allows you to apply specific styles to the column by targeting the custom class in your stylesheet.

Example: my-custom-column


This documentation covers the column settings for configuring your table plugin. Adjust these settings according to your needs to control the appearance and behavior of your table columns. If you have any further questions or need additional help, please refer to our support resources.

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