Documentation: Appearance Settings

Common Style

Inner Cell Padding

Options: Select the unit for padding values (px, %, em) and set the padding for each side of the cell (top, right, bottom, left).


  • Unit: px
  • Top: 10, Right: 10, Bottom: 10, Left: 10

Border Type

Options: Select the type of border for the table.

Values: None, Solid, Dashed, Dotted, Double

Upon Selection:

  • Border Width: Set the width of the border in the selected unit.

    Example: 2px

  • Border Color: Choose a color for the border.

    Example: #000000

Header Style

Background Color

Options: Set the background color for the table header.
Example: #f8f8f8

Text Color

Options: Set the text color for the table header.
Example: #333333

Text Align

Options: Set the alignment of text within the header cells.

Values: Left, Center, Right, Justify

Custom Typography

  • Select Font: Choose a font for the header text.

    Example: Arial, sans-serif

  • Font Size: Set the font size for the header text.

    Example: 16px

  • Font Weight: Set the weight of the font.

    Values: Normal, Bold, Thin, Extra Light, Light, Medium, Semi Bold, Extra Bold, Black

  • Text Transform: Set the text transformation.


    • Normal
    • Uppercase
    • Lowercase
    • Capitalize
  • Font Style: Set the font style.


    • Normal
    • Italic
    • Oblique
  • Decoration: Set the text decoration.


    • None
    • Underline
    • Overline
    • Line-through
  • Line Height: Set the line height for the header text.

    Example: 1.5

  • Letter Spacing: Set the letter spacing for the header text.

    Example: 0.05em

Body Style

Text Align

Options: Set the alignment of text within the body cells.

Values: Left, Center, Right, Justify

Vertical Align

Options: Set the vertical alignment of text within the body cells.


  • Top
  • Middle
  • Bottom

Text Color

Options: Set the text color for the body cells.

Example: #555555

Background Color

Options: Set the background color for the body cells.

Example: #ffffff

Stripped Background

Enable or disable stripped backgrounds for rows and set the colors.

  • Stripped Background Color: Set the background color for stripped rows.

    Example: #f9f9f9

  • Stripped Text Color: Set the text color for stripped rows.

    Example: #666666

Custom Typography

  • Select Font: Choose a font for the body text.

    Example: Arial, sans-serif

  • Font Size: Set the font size for the body text.

    Example: 14px

  • Font Weight: Set the weight of the font.


    • Normal
    • Bold
    • Bolder
    • Lighter
    • Specific numeric values (e.g., 400, 700)
  • Text Transform: Set the text transformation.


    • None
    • Uppercase
    • Lowercase
    • Capitalize
  • Font Style: Set the font style.


    • Normal
    • Italic
    • Oblique
  • Decoration: Set the text decoration.


    • None
    • Underline
    • Overline
    • Line-through
  • Line Height: Set the line height for the body text.

    Example: 1.5

  • Letter Spacing: Set the letter spacing for the body text.

    Example: 0.05em

Body Link Style

Link Color

Options: Set the color for links in the body cells.
Example: #007bff

Link Hover Color

Options: Set the color for links when hovered over.
Example: #0056b3

Stripped Link Color

Options: Set the color for links in stripped rows.
Example: #0062cc

Stripped Link Hover Color

Options: Set the color for links in stripped rows when hovered over.
Example: #004085

Rating Style

Active Star Color

Options: Set the color for active (filled) stars in the rating system.

Example: #ffcc00

Background Star Color

Options: Set the color for inactive (empty) stars in the rating system.

Example: #e0e0e0

Add to Cart Button Style

Text Color

Options: Set the text color for the “Add to Cart” button.
Example: #ffffff

Background Color

Options: Set the background color for the “Add to Cart” button.
Example: #28a745

Active Text Color

Options: Set the text color for the “Add to Cart” button when active.
Example: #ffffff

Active Background Color

Options: Set the background color for the “Add to Cart” button when active.
Example: #218838

Font Size

Options: Set the font size for the “Add to Cart” button text.
Example: 16px


Options: Set the padding for the “Add to Cart” button.
Example: 10px 20px 10px 20px

Border Size

Options: Set the border size (px) for the “Add to Cart” button.
Example: 2

Border Color

Options: Set the border color for the “Add to Cart” button.
Example: #28a745

Active Border Color

Options: Set the border color for the “Add to Cart” button when active.
Example: #218838

Border Radius

Options: Set the border radius(px) for the “Add to Cart” button.
Example: 4

Pagination Style

Pagination Text Color

Options: Set the text color for pagination links.
Example: #000000

Pagination Background Color

Options: Set the background color for pagination links.
Example: #f1f1f1

Pagination Active Text Color

Options: Set the text color for the active pagination link.
Example: #ffffff

Pagination Active Background Color

Options: Set the background color for the active pagination link.
Example: #007bff

All to Cart Button Style

Button Text Color

Options: Set the text color for the “All to Cart” button.
Example: #ffffff

Button Background Color

Options: Set the background color for the “All to Cart” button.
Example: #28a745

*** All Other settings for All to Cart will inherit from Add to cart button


This documentation covers the appearance settings for configuring your table plugin. Adjust these settings to enhance the look and feel of your tables to match your website’s design. If you have any further questions or need additional help, please refer to our support resources.

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