Documentation: Product Table Builder
Easily start building product tables .
Customize each tables's settings individually.
Adjust the appearance of your product tables.
Configure each element in your product tables.
Configure each element in your product tables.
Configure each element in your product tables.
Set global options for all product tables.
Transfer table effortlessly with Import/Export.
General How To's
- Go to the Table Settings section from the top bar.
- Find the Auto Mobile Responsive (Card Layout) option.
- Check the box to enable auto responsive (card layout) on mobile devices.
- Go to the Table Settings section from the top bar.
- Find the Show Pagination option.
- Check the box to enable pagination or uncheck it to disable pagination.
- Go to the Table Settings section from the top bar.
- Find the Show All to Cart Button option.
- Check the box to enable the “All to Cart” button or uncheck it to disable it.
- Go to the Table Settings section from the top bar.
- Find the Order By option and select the attribute by which you want to order the products.
- Find the Order option and select either ascending or descending order.
- A “Refetch Porduct” button will appear. Click this button to see the updated results.
- Go to the Table Settings section from the top bar.
- Find the Products per Page option.
- Enter the number of products you want to display per page.