Documentation: Element Settings

Title Settings
(Applicable to Category, Tag, Upsells, Cross Sells)

Add Product Link

Checkbox: Enable or disable linking the title to the product page.
Default: Unchecked

Open Link in New Tab

Checkbox: Enable or disable opening the product link in a new tab.
Default: Unchecked

Thumbnail Settings

Add Product Link

Checkbox: Enable or disable linking the thumbnail to the product page.
Default: Unchecked

Open Link in New Tab

Checkbox: Enable or disable opening the product link in a new tab.
Default: Unchecked

Image Size

Input Fields: Set the width and height of the thumbnail image in pixels. Set the height to 0 or leave it blank for automatic height adjustment.


  • Width: 100
  • Height: 100

Price Settings

Advanced Settings

Checkbox: Enable or disable advanced price settings.
Default: Unchecked

If Advanced Settings is On:

  • Show Regular Price: Show the regular price alongside the sale price.

    Default: Unchecked

  • Move Currency Code to the Right: Move the currency code to the right side of the price.

    Default: Unchecked

  • Custom Currency Code: Enable or disable a custom currency code.

    Default: Unchecked

  • If Custom Currency Code is On:

    • Custom Currency Code: Enter the custom currency code.

      Example: USD

Add to Cart Settings

Add to Cart Label

Input Field: Set the label for the “Add to Cart” button.
Example: Add to Cart

Excerpt Settings
(Applicable to Description)

Word Limit

Input Field: Set the word limit for the excerpt. Note that this will remove HTML markup.
Example: 20

Quantity Settings

Show Quantity as Dropdown

Checkbox: Enable or disable showing the quantity selector as a dropdown.
Default: Unchecked

Variations Settings

Move Variations Label in Select

Checkbox: Enable or disable moving the variations label inside the select dropdown.
Default: Unchecked

Attributes Settings

Hide Attributes Title

Checkbox: Enable or disable hiding the title of attributes.
Default: Unchecked

Stock Status Settings

Custom “In Stock” Status

Input Field: Set a custom status text for “In Stock”.
Example: Available

Custom “Out of Stock” Status

Input Field: Set a custom status text for “Out of Stock”.
Example: Sold Out

Custom “On Backorder” Status

Input Field: Set a custom status text for “On Backorder”.
Example: Pre-Order

Stock Quantity Settings

Custom Static Stock Quantity

Input Field: Set a static quantity value to be displayed for stock.
Example: 100

Weight Settings

Remove Weight Unit

Checkbox: Enable or disable removing the unit from the weight display.
Default: Unchecked

Dimensions Settings

Remove Dimensions Unit

Checkbox: Enable or disable removing the unit from the dimensions display.
Default: Unchecked

Author Settings

Show Username Instead of Display Name

Checkbox: Enable or disable showing the username instead of the display name.
Default: Unchecked

Date Settings

Show Modified Date

Checkbox: Enable or disable showing the modified date instead of the published date.
Default: Unchecked

Custom Text Settings

Custom Text

Text Field: Enter custom text to be displayed.
Example: Limited Time Offer

Add Link to Custom Text

Checkbox: Enable or disable adding a link to the custom text.
Default: Unchecked

If On:

  • Link URL: Enter the URL for the custom text link.

  • Open Link in New Tab: Enable or disable opening the custom text link in a new tab.
    Default: Unchecked

Space Settings

Space Type

Dropdown: Select the type of space to add. This option allows you to define whether the space should be horizontal or vertical.


  • Horizontal: Adds horizontal space between elements, effectively increasing the left and right margins or padding.
  • Vertical: Adds vertical space between elements, effectively increasing the top and bottom margins or padding.

Example: Horizontal

Space Size

Slider/Numeric Input: Set the size of the space in pixels. You can either use a slider or directly input a numeric value.

Example: 20px

Delete Element

Note: Deleting an element in each element settings will remove that element from the table.


This documentation covers the settings for each element within your table plugin. Adjust these settings according to your needs to customize the table elements effectively. If you have any further questions or need additional help, please refer to our support resources.

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